
Complete the word search below, then enter your name in the comments to enter to win a prize. Two lucky winners will be selected at random from the comments.

Word Search

Loading the crossword has yet to start.



Find these words in the riddle: {{crosswordData.description}}

Difficulty level {{crosswordData.level+1|localeNumber}}
Word directions: only to the right and down any, including diagonal and backwards
List of words that should be found: visible before found hidden before found

Mark the words:

You have found {{count.solution|localeNumber}} of {{count.words|localeNumber}} words You have found all {{count.words|localeNumber}} words!

  • {{word.fields | joinWord}}

The marked word {{message.word | joinWord}} is not part of the solution.

Congratulation, you have solved the riddle!Congratulation, you have solved the riddle in {{message.time | duration}}!

You have found {{message.solution|localeNumber}} of {{message.words|localeNumber}} hidden words during the alloted time.

Please be patient for the crossword being loaded.

29 thoughts on “Word Search

  1. Rachel Frye! Just getting back from celebrating the big 4-0! Thanks for the fun & keeping my brain functioning 🙂

  2. I may come to convention so I can meet Glenda Brooks because we all know VLTA Rocks!

  3. If Glenda Brooks, VLTA Rocks, and Come To Convention are not part of the solution . . . are they part of the problem? just kidding . . .

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