Take the quiz below & enter a comment – four lucky people will win a $25 coupon for VLTA’s upcoming Annual Convention (applicable to current and future registrations for the 2018 Annual Convention only). Special thanks to VLTA Past President Glenda Brooks for writing this month’s Title Quiz!

How are easements created?

Correct! Wrong!

If the easement is appurtenant, title to the servient easement must be examined to ascertain that the easement was properly created.

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

Common types of title issues that may cause claims can be:

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is not an example of an easement?

Correct! Wrong!

CSX is the result of mergers between the Baltimore and Ohio, and the Western Maryland Railroads (known as the Chessie System)

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following situations would not infer that the interest in property owner by a previous railroad owner would be an interest only use?

Correct! Wrong!

Any rights of way may include, among other things:

Correct! Wrong!

What are the ways to acquire an easement?

Correct! Wrong!

Title Quiz
Title Guru
You sure do know your stuff! Be sure to comment below before May 20, 2018 to enter to win a prize!
Title Titan
Great job! Be sure to comment below before May 20, 2018 to enter to win a prize!
Try again, sport! Be sure to comment below before May 20, 2018 to enter to win a prize.

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5 thoughts on “Win BIG! Title Quiz

  1. Silly me – I thought the C&O was a necessary party to the merger creating CSX – but they snuck in through the Chessie door.

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